It's barely 2 days into February and I'm already feeling blue. I had promised myself the month of January would be a time to relax a bit and refresh after all the chaos of baking school and work. But now that January is over and I don't have any set plans in motion, I'm feeling really directionless and, for lack of a better word, blah. The real-world problems of Generation Y. I don't know of any other generation that has as many mini-life crises. And the guilt is coming in strong for allowing myself to sink like this when there are so many better things to be doing.
I had set a personal goal to myself that every Friday I would make something new. I spent half of the day yesterday and this morning looking at recipes and feeling completely unmotivated. So it's time to take action! I'm going to set a serious challenge for myself: I'm going to try to bake my way through the cookbook Flour. Now I may hear some grumblings about un-originality... Isn't this just like Julie and Julia?! Well, yes. It is. But it seemed like such a good idea I couldn't turn it up. I've found myself browsing through recipes online and in cookbooks, going after what I feel like making. But if I'm constantly drawn to the stuff I know, I won't really learn anything new. This way, I'll constantly be trying a new recipe, that is not necessarily something I have any previous experience in. Expand my abilities a little bit.
For those who know me, you'll know how my interest tends to wane or get distracted. So let's see how this goes... I'm posting this on here so I'll have the added pressure of making my promises public knowledge. I'm going to start this off on a simple note and a way to get rid of my extra egg whites. Stay tuned for Meringue Clouds.
Yay! I'm super excited to check this out! :D