Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Mountain of Chocolate and Salted Caramel

I received a new order for the week for a self-professed chocolate lover with a special request for some caramel. It was right on time for me. I've been in such a mood for chocolate caramel, I decided to make a second batch so we could have cupcakes for the house. Phil has become so unabashedly spoiled this past year. Heaven forbid that he doesn't have a dessert every day of the week.

After a bit of browsing, I finally decided upon using a recipe for a six-layered salted caramel chocolate cake from Martha Stewart, which you can find HERE. A true behemoth of a cake.

The chocolate cake was incredibly easy to make and the result was wonderful. It will replace my standard chocolate cake recipe from now on. The cake is extremely moist and rich.

I found the salted caramel didn't have enough salt in it, so sprinkled some more between the layers, which effectively helped to cut the sugar so you can more easily stuff your face without succumbing to a sugar-induced coma. I made a batch and a half of caramel (to use for 2 full cake recipes) and still have a mason jar full of the stuff. It really goes a long way.

For the cupcakes, I scooped out a bit of the insides with a melon baller and poured a little caramel into it. Not nearly enough, though. The caramel works best when it's cold for layering the cake, but it should be warmer when filling cupcakes, otherwise it is very difficult to work with. Next time I'll heat the caramel up a touch so that I can really fill the cupcakes to bursting. Sprinkle a little salt on top for a nice touch and a salty finish.

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